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  Ghosts of Army Signal OCS

Reproduced from a speech by MAJ (R) Richard Green, Class 02-67


MAJ (R) Richard A. Green, Signal OCS Class 02-67In 1994, when I was here with members of my OCS class, we visited the site where the Signal OCS barracks once stood. The buildings were gone, the grounds were being prepared for new construction but we found our way around the area.  I do not recall who brought it up, but we all spoke of hearing the ghosts of OCS running through the area, and all the sounds that each of us associated with the program. Someone mentioned that he could hear the sounds of the Senior Candidate Parade!  That memory has stayed with me, and our Chaplain can verify most of what was said on that day, and the emotions that were felt.

In the past few years, sometimes late at night, or after a particularly rough day of assembling data, locating people and taking care of business, I have a dream. There are times that the dream comes to me when I am wide awake.

The first part of that dream shows a deserted parade field. Then I see faint images along the edges of the parade field. Finally I can see shadow-like forms of thousands of new 2LTs standing as if in formation, around the entire parade ground.. .. Their faces Signal OCS Candidates report a sadness. and I know that this is because they are the 9,200 known deceased of our 25,000 brothers. And they are waiting for something. Then in the distance I hear the sounds of the Military Band and looking down that parade field I see battalion after battalion of new 2LTs marching up the parade field, standing tall, preparing to Pass In Review. These are the 6,000 that are living, coming to pay tribute to those that have gone before us!

It is an awesome sight, one that I cannot shake off for days, nor do I want to do so. As I watch this parade, the dim forms on the sidelines become clearer and their faces beam with the pride that we all felt the day those gold bars were pinned on.

THEN as we march past, those who have gone before us fall in step behind us and we come to this Memorial site, which the Command and Staff of Fort Gordon made possible for us, and we ALL assemble here in Fellowship, old friends getting back together, reliving the days when we were ready to make any sacrifice to defend this country against its enemies.

Signal OCS Senior ReviewIt is at this site that we gather today to honor those that I see in that dream, both to say a prayer for them, for us and for those to come. It is also a gathering in honor of those not yet found, or accounted for.

AND This is why I am here today to pay tribute to a select group of special people who deserve to be remembered and deserve to have their place in the history of the Signal Corps and the United States Army.

God has blessed each of us with the OCS experience and it is our duty to insure that it does not become lost to the generations to come.


/s/Richard Green



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