General Articles and Salutes - -
This article attempts
to answer the question as to what kind of force a country needs to
be considered a Superpower.
With the end of the Cold War and
the dissolution of the USSR, America came to think that it was the
only Superpower left. Putin's invasion of Crimea and his naked land
grab of that peninsula... with nary a complaint from America...
makes us wonder if the U.S. is still a Superpower, and what the
world thinks about it, if anything. Read this challenging article
penned by our Editor and form your own opinion.
Stories, Articles and Salutes - -
Your own private Gibson
Back in WWII the Germans figured
out that it was cheaper to save navy men lost at sea than retrain
replacements. When they started losing pilots at sea, this made even
more sense. This story tells of how the U.S. Army Signal Corps came
across one of Germany's NS2 survival radios floating in the North
Atlantic and turned it into America's own SCR-578... one of the most
famous survival radios ever produced, and known world wide as the
famous "Gibson Girl." This is a good read... you'll enjoy it.
From our Classmate
History section, a story submitted by Candidate John Martin Collins,
OCS Class 12-42.
One of the more humorous stories
we have received, this one submitted by Candidate Collins, 90 years
old at this writing, covers his time in the 50th Signal Battalion.
Still full of piss and vinegar today, John retired in 1972 as a Bird
Colonel after 30 years, with another 24 years in National Defense to
round off his rough edges. In the attached story he writes of his
military experiences. You'll laugh your way through his story, while
at the same time sit mesmerized at the audacity of his life and how
it intersected with some of the greatest turning points in history.
Reproduced from our May
2014 Home Page, the story of the 583rd Signal Depot Company in WWII.
A little known element of the
Signal Corps, the Signal Depot Companies kept the wheels of war
greased during WWII. This story follows the 583rd as it wended its
way from training at Camp Crowder through to the end of the war in
the ETO. Follow their story as they discovered the temptations of
Paris' Place Pigalle, as well as how tough it was to keep up with
An excellent copy of the 106 Signal Company's publication
Amplifier, publication date July 26, 1945.
Submitted by Candidate Arthur Thompson, OCS Class 14-43,
this Broadside tells what was up and about in the 106th Infantry
Division in July, 1945. At the time of publication the 106th was
stationed in Karlsruhe, Germany. Reading this document is sure to
give you a flavor of what life was like in Europe around the end of
the war. It will also help you realize that the task of the Signal
Corps extends beyond battlefield communications to
encompass providing all of the troops in reach with general
information, entertainment, and a broader sense of purpose,
commitment, and inclusion in unit life.
A reminder about what it's about to be an American. Submitted by Major Richard Green.
If you're wondering what's happening to America these days, read this and reacquaint yourself with the true American character, not that socialist, back sliding European liberalism you see coming from some of our western states... or from the fraudulent, corrupted politicians who think that being in Congress gives them a license to steal your money, while for yuks they hit on their staff in their spare time. Read this, and you'll find yourself walking a little taller, thinking a little clearer, and wishing for the old days when American's knew who they were... not what the illegals tell us we should be.
An excellent story submitted by Captain Gerritt Ewing of his time in Army Signal.
Includes interesting comments about Joe Lockhart, the famous signal officer that spotted inbound Japanese bombers on his radar screen on the morning of December 7th.
A follow up story submitted by
Colonel Phillip E. Lowry (R), about his encounter with the famous Iron Lung McClung.
Reading the Iron Lung stories reminds us of what OCS and Signal Corps duty was all about... camaraderie, the closest friendships ever, and leaders that we held more respect for than anyone we've worked for since.
A great collection of WWII
movies produced by the Army Signal Corps.
Collected and submitted by Robert
Oelrich, Class 10-42, this video provides a good solid hour of
entertainment. In this day of political correctness where you are not
allowed to say anything without worry of hurting someone's feelings, it's
almost painful to hear the straight talk used in these movies. Grab a beer
and sit back and see how the world's greatest generation saw the world back
Continuation of WWII
movies taken by Signal OCS Candidate Oelrich (Class 10-42)
Video showing Hawaii, starting in 1941,
including local scenes, cable work on the link that tied the radar
installation at the top of the island to Honolulu, and much, much more. A
great historic treasure trove, this move is 3 hours long, but very much
worth the effort to watch. If you want to know why they called these
guys the greatest generation, this is a good place to start.
An absolutely great story about what it was like to go through OCS. You must read this!
Sometimes it's hard to remember how tough life was back when we were all Second Lieutenants. This story brings back memories of how alone we felt, how little money we had, and yet how good life was back then too.
A down to earth explanation of the role of the Signal Corps,
as explained to the troops during WWII.
published as part of a series called
G.I. Stories,
by Stars & Stripes, in Paris, in
1944-1945, this booklet was one of several that
helped personnel understand the purpose and function of the
various ground, air, and service forces in the European
Theater of Operations (ETO). We have reproduced here in
condensed and edited form. It's a great way to explain to people
what the Signal Corps did and does.
A short story of one family's unusual contribution of 4
signalmen to the U.S. Army
Written by this website's Editor as a footnote to an article on
Signal Motormen (see above...), the story tells of two uncles and a Dad who served
in the Signal Corps... all wanting to be officers but failing until
20+ years later the Editor graduated as part of Class 09-67.
Willys jeep story... a very, very short version
A short
slide show about the Willys MA Jeep. Without this baby, 16 million men and
women would have walked their way through WW II. Out of them, at least 7
million Army troops would have had to depend on the soles of their feet.
Korean War
Stories, Articles and Salutes - -
The Korean War: A Fresh Perspective
Written by the famed Colonel Harry G. Summers, this article shows
how bad strategic decision making on the part of Truman and several
leaders in the military caused the excellent on the ground fighting
done by US troops to be squandered in what ended up being a
stalemate and bifurcated country in Korea. It's a must read if you
want to see how critical it is to have not only a global perspective
on those countries that wish America harm, clear headed thinking on
what the goals of a war are before they are started, and a firm
determination not to change strategic goals half way through the
A great hour long video about Korea during the war. Grab a coffee and enjoy
this one!
Filmed by LTC
Kermit Parker, Class 12-42, and submitted by Glenn Dean, Class 18-52, this
movie shows what life was like during the Korean War. There's no war footage
in this, but it's fascinating nonetheless. This is a must watch if you want
to see how the Koreans lived while the war roiled around them.
Signal Corps Successes —
The Mukden Cable
From our January 2014 Home Page comes the story of how the Signal
Corps took over the Japanese Mukden Cable and used it to keep U.S.
troops in communication with each other as they drove the North
Koreans back to the Chinese border. Follow
Capt. Wayne A.
Striley, one of our own U.S. Army Signal
Corps OCS graduates from Class 43-19, as he fought to keep the cable
operating as the pace of war increased.
Signal Corps Successes
The Battle Of The Naktong & Pusan Perimeters
From our November 2014 Home Page, this story tells of the 532nd
Signal Construction Company, a unique unit that served Eighth Army
Headquarters. It's association with Eighth Army HQ and General
Walker caused it to play a key role in the very earliest battles of
the Korean War. In doing so it also helped create and perfect a new
form of battle tactics, the Mobile Defense. Read this excellent
history of one of the most unique Signal Corps units to serve in the
Korean War.
Vietnam War
Stories, Articles and Salutes - -
18 February 2013 — The reality of combat Signal
A short story about the U.S.' first incursion into Cambodia to dig
out the COSVN. Taking place over a 60-day period from 1 May to 29
June, 1970, the campaign was supported by a parallel 75 day South
Vietnamese campaign of its own. This story focuses on the
difficulties the Signal Corps had in supporting the operation.
18 January 2012 —
Green Tabs... A Point Of Pride For Any 2nd
short story about Combat Officer Green Tabs... and how they were
earned in Vietnam.
music for the top 50 soul songs you were likely to hear in the barracks
during the 60s.
Ft. Gordon, Georgia, was the center of
more than just Army life for many of us. It was also the place where scores
of us had our first taste of both Southern and Black culture. Sometimes they
proved to be the same, some times they were vastly different. This webpage
attempts to bring back memories of your time in the south by giving you a
Top 50 list of Soul music to listen to. When you consider that the Godfather
of Soul, James Brown, grew up in Augusta, you can begin to get a feeling for
how pervasive soul music was in that part of Georgia. It was only normal
that it would permeate the barracks of Ft. Gordon. Enjoy the music on this
page, as well as the short story that accompanies it.
1 March 2012 —
The Army Signal Corps OCS Experience
If you want to know what it was like to go through OCS training,
then you must see this video slide show set to music. The story of
Army Signal OCS Class 16-66, this video uniquely captures the entire
experience from the first day to graduation. Produced by Myron Leski
of Class 16-66, this video is bound to bring back memories. Plus,
there is a link to download a copy of your own if you wish.
& Other Candidate Salutes - -
1 April 2012 —
A speech by MAJ (R) Richard Green
Given by MAJ Green as a speech to the attendees of the Signal OCS
Reunion of 2002, this is one of the best speeches on the subject of
OCS that we have on archive. When I first read it it brought chills
to me, quite literally with the hair on the back of my neck standing
up. We won't ruin the enjoyment of your reading it by telling you
more. All we are going to tell you to do is READ IT. Thanks to MAJ
Green for allowing us to post it here.
1 June 2012 —
A speech by COL Holwick
Given at the OCS Memorial Ceremony at the Signal Center Flag Pole,
Ft. Gordon, Georgia, on 6 October 2007. If you ever wondered what to
think of your own time as an Officer in the Signal Corps, read this.
It will put a perspective to the time you spent on behalf of your
The U.S. Army Signal Corps OCS Association's salute to America's Vets.
Prepared by our own
Association, this video was first posted for Memorial Day 2014.
Many have asked us to make it available here for all to see.
Stories, Articles and Salutes - -
1 July 2012 —
An analysis of the impact of technology on
war and warfare
Reproduced from our May, June and July 2012 Home Pages, these
articles take a close look at how war impacts the development of
technology, how emerging technologies impact warfare, and how
the combination is impacted by Human Agency to allow a country
to win its wars. The articles are written to be stimulating and
challenge your views on war, while at the same time not echoing
the classic war hawk standpoint.
1 March 2012 —
Hang on Swabbies! The Army is Coming To Your
from our March 2012 Home Page, this article takes the government to
task for saying they will cut back the size of the Army in order to
help the Navy prepare for a new era of sea wars in the South China
Sea area. Read it and enjoy, and at the same time learn something
about the real situation in the Pacific.
Retired Major General Vern Lewis on the topic of veteran hand salutes
An excellent article on how most veterans prefer the hand salute when the colors pass, to holding their hands over their hearts. Well worth the read. Also read October 30, 2008, news release regarding recent law concerning how veterans should salute Old Glory.