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Army Signal Corps OCS Award

U.S. Army Signal Corps OCS Association Award 2011

U.S. Army Model C3 Service Camera


Army Signal OCS Scrapbook

Help Us Fill This Page !     --     We Need Your Pictures.

US. Army Model C3 Service CameraWe are filling this page with pictures of OCS class members today as well as Army Signal duty stations of yesterday. Dig into your scrapbook and send us your pictures. Include pictures of your duty postings or other interesting pictures from your time in the service. To qualify, pictures should be Army, Army Signal Corps or OCS candidate related. If you've got pictures from your OCS days, send them along too. We'll post them on your Class page in another part of this site.

Send your pictures to Be sure to give us:

1. Your name,

2. The name of the person who took the picture (so that we can give them credit),

3. Your OCS Class number,

4. A brief description of the picture and the people in it.

We and your classmates thank you.

Map Vietnam WarVietnam War Era Photos

Click on any picture or map to see full size image. Place cursor over picture to read headline.

Lieutenant Walter Welsh, Class 19-66 - picture shot at Phu Bai, RVN From Class 19-66, Pictures of 1st Signal Brigade, Long Lines Battalion North, Phu Bai Detachment, and Army's 8th RRU (Radio Research Unit (a.k.a. Army Security Agency), submitted by Candidate Walter Welsh, Army Signal OCS Class 19-66. Good photos of results of Tet Offensive of February 1968 (Tet started on the night of 1-31-1968). Walt would know what Tet was all about... his hooch was burned down in a B40 rocket attack that night. Check out this album to see what life was like back then. Click on Walt's picture at right to jump to the album:

From Class 04-68, last Army Signal OCS class before the program was shut down, come these scans courtesy of Don Fedynak. They are digital copies of the Fort Gordon Rambler that was published in honor of the OCS program. Dated Wednesday, February 7, 1968, and published to mark the end of the program, the broadside discusses the original aims of Army Signal OCS, talks of the 2,210 graduates who finished the program, and provides lots of other facts and trivia along the way. Take a moment to read it. You'll be amazed at what you did back then, and may be surprised that the article recalls things you have completely forgotten. Click on any of the images below, and then use your computer's tools to enlarge the picture until you can read the text.

Ft Gordon Rambler - Feb 1968 - page 1  Ft Gordon Rambler - Feb 1968 - page 2  Ft Gordon Rambler - Feb 1968 - page 3  Ft Gordon Rambler - Feb 1968 - page 4

Page 1                   Page 2                   Page 3                   Page 4

From Class 16A-66, can you guess who these four are? If not, it's because you haven't been invited to Lunch At Frick's! Curious? Go to the Class Page for 16A-66 and you can see them as they were, back in the day!

Go to Class 16A-66

Lunch At Fricks

From Class 04-68, courtesy Don Fedynak, Phu Bai & Pleiku detachments from 221st Signal Batalion:

Lt. Don Fedynak, Dec '69, Phu Bai, VietnamPleiku Detachmant, 221st Sig. Co. - Dec '69Camp Eagle, Vietnam, Dec '69 - Note Chinook in background

Don Fedynak - OCS GraphicsDon Fedynak - 1967   Don Fedynak - Press Pass - front - Vietnam   Don Fedynak - Press Pass - rear - Vietnam

From the 361st Signal Battalion LLBN, courtesy Arthur White who served in Vietnam with the 361st Signal Battalion /Long Lines Bn. North at HQ Company at Cam Rahn Bay between 1969 and 1970. Arthur told us "I came across a few copies of what must have been official photos from Vietnam. My memory of why I have them is not clear, but I think I might have sent them to my father while I was still serving in RVN. He had also been stationed at Ft. Gordon and was in the Signal Corps in WW II. Three of the five are of the headquarters company: the awards ceremony formation (I am the one holding the American flag), the motor pool inspection, and the aerial view of the company. The other two I believe are photos of the Cam Rahn Bay site. I can’t be sure because they are unlabeled and I never actually visited that site. I did make a few notations myself on some of the photos at some point."

Major Richard Green reminded us that "one of our senior officers, LTG (R) Emmett Paige, commanded the 361st Signal Battalion at one time... this is an excerpt from a narrative he sent... "During his career as an officer, General Paige served in various Signal units to include the 40th and 41st Signal Construction Battalions, the 9th Signal Battalion, 9th Infantry Division where he served as the S-3. He served in the 57th Signal Company at Yongsan, Korea, where he was responsible for all of the fixed plant communications serving the United Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea, and Eighth Army. During the Vietnam War he commanded the 361st Signal Battalion in Vietnam, and later commanded the 11th Signal Group at Ft. Huachuca, AZ. He served two tours with the Defense Communications Agency. In 1976, he was promoted to Brigadier General and given command of both the US Army Communications-Electronics Engineering and Installation Agency at Ft. Huachuca and the US Army Communications Systems Agency at Ft. Monmouth, NJ."

Click any picture below to see a much larger, full sized picture. Then use your computer tools to zoom in for greater detail.
Note "CRB" stands for Cam Ranh Bay.

361st Sign Bn, LLBN, Awards Ceremony     361st Sign Bn, LLBN, Motor Pool     361st Sign Bn, LLBN, Aerial View 

   361st Sign Bn, LLBN, View #1     361st Sign Bn, LLBN, View #2

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NOTICE: All pictures © Copyright there respective owners. You are forbidden to copy, duplicate, display or

distribute these photos without the advance written consent of the U.S. Army Signal Corps OCS Association.

Original Site Design and Construction By John Hart. Ongoing site design and maintenance courtesy Class 09-67.
Content and design Copyright 1998 - 2014, by Page updated 01/17/14.