Chief Locator eMail Contact
Help Us Help You
If you know of the whereabouts of
an OCS graduate, please contact Major Richard Green
(Ret., Class 02-67). Richard has tirelessly donated his time
over all these years to tracking past graduates and updating
their contact information. Be aware that all the
information he gathers is jealously guarded and kept safe from
prying eyes. Our locator files are not kept online, and can not
be accessed through the internet. None of the information we
gather is sold, exchanged, loaned or used in any commercial or
public manner.
You may contact Richard at
Found Who You Are Looking For? Now
What Do You Do?
Now that you
have used our site to find your old Army buddies, how do you
contact them? Send Major Green an eMail identifying
yourself, letting him know about your Army experience, how
you met the person you want to get in touch with, and
anything else he needs so that he can in fact verify that
you are someone who really knows the person you are seeking.
If you pass his scrutiny, he'll give you contact details for
your friend, and/or forward your eMail address and details
on to them.
Not sure that will work? Try sending us a "Where is..."
eMail for the person you are seeking. We will post it on the
Notices page of this web site, and likely as not they will
see it.
Once you have found an old friend, use our Chat rooms to
keep in touch. Just post a time and date when you will be in the room, and
your buddies can meet you there.
Only one rule: our locator service, Chat Room, website
postings, and all the rest are only available to ex Army OCS
graduates and their friends and family. If you are from, God
forbid, the Navy, unless you are a friend or relative of an
Army OCS graduate, please cast off and try your luck on a
cruise ship or something
Actually, we are joking. We'll help anyone out... even the
Finally, may we also suggest that if you use our services
you please consider making a
small $30 donation to our charity fund. Your donation is tax
deductible and the money will be
used to provide scholarships for the younger generation
that are following along in that long line of OCS graduates you
or your loved one was once a part of. Thank
Not sure who to ask for help? Contact us
through any one of the following links. The people who read
these eMails will take the time to find someone who can help
Click here to send an eMail to the
WebMaster of this site, or use the address
Click here to send an eMail to Major Green, or use the
of Page
Original Site Design and Construction By John Hart. Ongoing
site design and maintenance courtesy Class 09-67.
Content and design Copyright 1998 - 2013,
ArmySignalOCS.com. Page updated 03/17/13.