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Click here to hear hidden Army march music: U.S. Army Signal Corps Regimental March

Information and application materials for the 2025 U. S. Army Signal Corps OCS Association Scholarship Program are now available.

Our program provides a one time, non-renewable $1000 scholarship to certain eligible and qualified relatives of active members of the association. Please see the eligibility criteria on the information sheet. NOTE: All application packages must be postmarked no later than 31 July 2025. Click HERE for the scholarship information.

Welcome to our website.

To access all of the great information on the Historical Site, please click HERE or on the link in the menu above, "Historical OCS Site".

PLEASE NOTE: The Historical OCS Site is not a responsive design, and the pages will not automatically re-size to fit your device. Some left-right scrolling may be required.

Our Association is a not-for-profit fraternal organization. Its purpose is a) to foster camaraderie among the graduates of Signal Corps Officer Candidate School classes of the World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War eras, b) to organize and offer scholarships and other assistance for the families of Officer and Enlisted OCS cadre who are in need, and c) to archive for posterity the stories and history of all of the Signal Corps OCS Officers who served this great country. We are open to ALL former Army Signal Corps OCS graduates, their families and friends, as well as other officers, enlisted men, those interested in military history, and the general public. Please, come join us. For more information about our Association, to see a list of our Officers and Directors, or for contact details, click HERE or on the Association Information link under Information Center above.

PLEASE NOTE: The views and opinions expressed on this website are offered in order to stimulate interest in those who visit it. They are solely the views and expressions of the authors and/or contributors to this website and do not necessarily represent the views of the Army Signal Corps Officer Candidate School Association, its Officers, Directors, members, volunteers, staff, or any other party associated with the Association. If you have any suggestions for improvements to this site, please send them to We are here to serve you!

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Signal OCS

Original Site Design and Construction By John Hart. Additional site design and maintenance through 2018 by WebSpecks Incorporated, courtesy Class 09-67. Content and design Copyright 1998 - 2016, by